Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A. One thing that I think I did well with on my SRP was keeping organized. Keeping my works cited updated whenever I added a source to my paper saved me a lot of time near the end. I knew where everything was saved or printed out which made it easier to work on the paper when I needed to. Something that I don't think I did very well with and I would have done over would be managing my time wisely. It wasn't as bad because I was so organized, but I definitely should not have waited even two days before each step was due to complete it. If I could do it over I would do a little bit of each step at least four days in advance to the due date.

B. For the seniors next year, I would recommend that they actually take their time to find books and sources when they take the field trip to Xavier. One of the books that I got there gave me tons of information and I don't know what I would have done without it. I would also recommend that they save all of their sources to a USB drive so that they can use them either at school or at home.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

National Championship

When I was a sophomore, the cheerleaders traveled to Miami, Florida to perform at the halftime of the National Championship game. We met up with about five other cheerleading squads and dance teams to give a once in a lifetime performance. The first day that we were in Miami was one of the most exhausting days of my life. We had an eight hour practice to learn the dance with choreographer Shane Sparks and his assistant Rachel Kay. Only thirty minutes after practice ended, we had to attend a special dinner and ceremony honoring our coaches and teachers. We finally got to go to bed late that night, but were woken up way earlier than wanted for yet another practice. Charter buses took us to a nearby high school football field so that we could perfect the dance and know where to stand on the lines of the field. Finally after arriving back at the hotel we got a catered lunch and relaxed by the pool until it was time to get ready for the big game. The charter buses took us to the stadium and we immediately got off in our shiny silver dresses to head towards the field where we stood for the National Anthem. We got back on the buses to wait for halftime, and I took a much needed nap. When halftime came, I do not think I have ever been more nervous. Performing for around one-hundred fans at football and basketball games is nothing compared to performing for thousands of fans at the National Championship game. The dance went by so quickly- everything was a blur and I was off the field before I knew it. The last day that we were in Florida we participated in two different dance classes with Shane Sparks and Michael Schwatt. It was an absolutely amazing experience and I am so lucky that I got to do it.