Friday, April 29, 2011

Favorite Supporting Character

My favorite supporting character in the novel Change of Heart is Lucius. This man is in the prison cell next to Shay Bourne for murdering his boyfriend. He has AIDS and is slowly dying throughout the novel. I would want to go out to lunch with him to PF Changs because that is my favorite restaraunt. I would want him to be able to eat whatever he wanted since he would know that he was dying. This person would be worth my time and energy because he would have an interesting story to tell. Lucius is an artist and frequently makes paint in his jail cell out of Skittles and toothpaste. I would want to see all of his artwork and hear about his life before he was sent to prison. Also, I would want to hear about what it was like to be in the cell next to Bourne. In the novel Lucius has an up close perspective that not many of the other characters have.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Main Character

In the novel Change Of Heart, each chapter is from a different characters perspective. They each tell their own individual stories and their lives are all somehow connected. Regardless of this, the novel revolves around a man named Shay Bourne. So even though there are many "main characters", all of their lives come together because of Bourne. Shay Bourne grew up in abusive foster care homes and therefore lacks important social skills. His sister was molested by their foster care father, and tried to set the house on fire with him in it. Shay took the blame for this so that his sister would not get in trouble and ended up in juvy. Where the book begins, Bourne volunteers to do construction work for the Nealon family. He is soon convicted for the murder of both the step father, who is a police officer, and the daughter, who is seven years old. He is sentenced to death and is on death row for eleven years. Before he is killed though, he makes the decision that he needs to give his heart to the other daughter of Ms. Nealon. This daughter was not alive when the murders took place, but is now ten years old and is dying from heart failure. Eventually the state agrees to let Bourne be killed by hanging instead of lethal injection so that he can donate his heart to the other daughter. Soon before Bourne is killed, he reveals that the reason he killed the step father was because he walked in on him molesting his step daughter. The step daughter died in a struggle between Bourne and the step father over a gun. His story is important to tell because he never tries to defend himself or go free. He wants to die so that his heart can save another little girl, no matter how innocent he was. His character portrays aspects of Jesus and the novel has a lot to do with religion. He always seems to be performing miricles, even though he does not claim to know what he is doing. In the end he dies in the fashion that Jesus does, to save others around him.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Johnny Depp would play the character Shay Bourne. This character is on death row for murdering a child and police officer. He becomes very mentally unstable, and Johnny Depp would be good for this role because he is good at acting the way that Bourne needs to be portrayed.
Sandra Bullock would play the character June Nealon. This character loses her first husband in a car accident, her second husband and daughter are murdered, and her other daughter is dying from heart failure. Sandra Bullock would be perfect for this role because she is such a strong actress.
Nikki Blonsky would play the character Maggie. This character is the attorney for Shay Bourne and also struggles with her weight and appearance. Nikki Blonsky would be a good fit because she is strong willed just like Maggie is.
Kirk Cameron would play the character Michael. This character is on the jury that sentences Shay Bourne to death row, but later in life becomes a Priest and is Bourne's spiritual advisor. Kirk Cameron should have this role because he plays a spiritual role in the majority of the movies that he is in.
Shia Labeouf would play the character Lucius. This character is in the prison cell next to Shay Bourne. He was convicted for murdering his boyfriend and is also dying from AIDS. Shia Labeouf fits this role because he is such a convincing actor.
Abigail Breslin would play the character Claire. This character is June Nealon's daughter who is waiting for a heart transplant. She would be good at this because of the similar roles she has played in her other movies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Change of Heart

The book that I chose is Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. One of the reasons that I picked this book was because one of my favorite books, My Sister's Keeper, is by the same author. I have also seen some of the movies that her other novels have been made into and loved them. At first I was confused as to what the storyline was going to be because the chapters are split up into different characters perspectives. But just after reading the first couple pages, I knew that I was not going to be able to put it down. The fact that it was so good that I could not put it down is another reason that I chose this novel.