Friday, April 29, 2011

Favorite Supporting Character

My favorite supporting character in the novel Change of Heart is Lucius. This man is in the prison cell next to Shay Bourne for murdering his boyfriend. He has AIDS and is slowly dying throughout the novel. I would want to go out to lunch with him to PF Changs because that is my favorite restaraunt. I would want him to be able to eat whatever he wanted since he would know that he was dying. This person would be worth my time and energy because he would have an interesting story to tell. Lucius is an artist and frequently makes paint in his jail cell out of Skittles and toothpaste. I would want to see all of his artwork and hear about his life before he was sent to prison. Also, I would want to hear about what it was like to be in the cell next to Bourne. In the novel Lucius has an up close perspective that not many of the other characters have.

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