Sunday, December 12, 2010

Church Protesting

A few weeks ago in government, we were required to read an article that someone in my class had written as an extra credit assignment. After reading it, I was shocked to see what it was about. Since it interested me so much, I found another article to read more into what was happening. In 2006, Westboro Baptist Church protested at a soldier's funeral claiming that he was dead because of the tolerance America has for gay people. They held signs that said things like "God hates you", "You are going to Hell", and "Thank God for fallen soldiers." First of all, them claiming to be Christians amazes me. They either read the wrong book or are just plain ignorant in the way they interpreted the Bible. The one thing that makes me the angriest is when people like them claim to be Christians. All that it does is make other people think that all Christians are like them, which is entirely not true. The article also discusses how the Supreme Court is going rule this case. The father of the fallen soldier took the matter to court, but charges were dropped against the church in an appellate court. Technically these protesters rights are protected by the first amendment, but the Supreme Court is still deliberating. I agree that according to the Constitution, there should be no case. But I feel like there should be some way around this. I understand that the Supreme Court can't just make exceptions for this one case, because then no one would know where to draw the line for other cases. I just think that in the future, protesters should not be allowed at anyones funeral. It's an emotional time for everyone there, and it is completely unnecessary for anyone to be protesting something so ridiculous. If they really feel the need to share their thoughts with the public, then they can do it somewhere else. It's not even like they targeted a gay soldier, they literally just went to a random soldier's funeral. And now there is talk that they are going to protest at Elizabeth Edwards funeral? Someone needs to stop this, whether it be the Supreme Court or just the general public.

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