Saturday, December 4, 2010


The absolute worst question I could ever be asked is, "what types of music do you like?" Whenever that comes out of someone's mouth, I automatically freeze and search desperately within my brain for an answer. The reason for my panicking has exactly to do with what this article talks about. In the article, it discusses how the music someone listens to can very accurately predict what type of personality they have. It makes me nervous that someone could so easily judge me just by hearing my answer to such a simple question. Two years ago, I would actually really have no idea what to say to that question. According to the article, that means I was "simple minded" or an "easy listener." These types of people tend to enjoy anything on the Top 40 that is consistently playing on the radio. Most likely, they're afraid to dive deeper into the music scene and just stick with what everyone else likes. I think it's easy for people to let themselves fall into this category because then there can't be much judgment. No one can see deeper into your personality if you simply like what is supposed to be liked. If you like what songs and artists are popular at the moment, then you must be normal, right? At this point in my life, I've moved on from the cliche answer to the dreaded question, "what types of music do you like?" I've discovered new artists and songs that although most people have never heard of, they seem to fit my taste perfectly. I think that when the article states that music says a lot about someone's personality, it is completely true. Another part that I find interesting is that fans of jazz and classical music have higher than average IQ scores. I've heard that listening to Mozart before taking a test can raise your test scores, so that definitely fits in to what the research from this article has found.

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