Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eiffel Tower Texas Style

Although you can not see it, in this picture my friends and I are standing under the Eiffel Tower. Not the Eiffel tower in Paris, France as most would think. But the Eiffel tower in Paris, Texas. It is not nearly as tall as the real one in France, but to make up for its lack of height it has a cowboy hat on top. Not many people take summer vacations to Paris, Texas, but I have for the past two summers. My friend Bird moved to San Antonio, Texas a few years ago. She can not come up to visit a lot, she my friends and I planned a surprise visit to her one summer. Me and five other girls drove twenty hours down to her house and arrived there when she was not home. Her brother had taken her out to distract her so that she would not know that we were arriving. We hid under a single blanket on her bed, completely obvious to her that people were under there. When she walked in to her room we jumped out yelling SURPRISE! She had no idea that we were coming at all. On the way home from her house, we stopped for a few days in Paris because to visit with her grandma. It is a very small town but has lots of character, especially because it has its own Eiffel tower. I don't know if I will ever go to the real Paris to see the real Eiffel tower, but if not, at least I can say that I have been to this one.

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