Sunday, January 9, 2011

Isabelle Caro

A few days ago one of my friends was talking about a model who had recently died from anorexia. She said that she was only 59 pounds when she passed away, and I honestly did not believe her at first. I thought it must have just been a rumor she had heard- I did not actually think it was possible for a twenty-eight year old to be 59 pounds. But as I was searching for an article today, I came across the story of Isabelle Caro. Her recent death caused by anorexia is entirely true. Caro began struggling with an eating disorder when she was thirteen years old, and it continued up until her death. I learned that in her late stages of anorexia she began posing for posters that read "No Anorexia." She knew that she was entirely too thin, stating that she was the opposite of what beauty should be. The controversy of these photos arises because they were un-knowingly taken and posted on pro-anorexia websites. Critics argue that the pictures of Caro only made people with eating disorders strive to be as thin as her. On the other hand, Isabelle Caro and her photographer argue that the photos actually helped people with eating disorders to see how dangerous it can get. I looked up the pictures myself, and was absolutely horrified. She literally looks like a skeleton with skin hanging off of her. I have no idea how she survived so long looking like that, or how she did not reverse her anorexia when she realized she was slowly killing herself.

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