Sunday, February 13, 2011


Walking along the beach in Destin, Florida, I always see a lot of jellyfish. I have gone to Destin the past two spring breaks and one of my favorite things is walking besides the water and seeing all the jellyfish and shells buried in the sand. Of course at this point the jellyfish are all dead because they have washed up and gotten stuck in the sand. But it does not make it any less fascinating to look at their clear bodies and try to find the biggest jellyfish that I can. Last summer as I was walking with my friends we came across this one, which is the largest that I have ever found. Two of the boys decided it would be fun to cut it up, so they actually borrowed a family's shovel used to build a sand castle to dissect the jellyfish with. Soon after I took the picture the only thing left was a pile of clear and gooey mush. They each took a small piece back to our condo and searched what a safe way to eat a jellyfish is so that there is no possible way that poison might be left in it. Turns out that one must soak it in water and keep it refrigerated for a certain amount of time and then either boil it or grill it. I doubt that it tasted very good when they finally ate it, and their parents were not to happy about it either. But they seemed proud to have found such a ginormous jellyfish and, like all guys would, figured out a way to consume it.

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