Monday, February 21, 2011


Last Saturday was the basketball players and cheerleaders senior night. It did not really hit me until that night, when all the underclassmen cheerleaders were crying, that this is really it. For three years I helped plan and organize six different cheerleading senior nights, but my own senior night always seemed far away in the distance. I made shirts, candy bags, cakes, and build-a-bears. I bought tiaras, picture frames, and giftcards. Yet through all that, I could never picture myself standing on the basketball court and cheering my last home game. I never imagined doing my last band dance, holding the warrior banner for the last time, or calling my last cheer. Now that the season is over and the tournament is about to start, I am beginning to see the end of my 14 season cheerleading career. I will never forget the day in fourth grade when my teacher handed out fliers for girls who were interested in beginning a cheerleading program the next year. I will not forget practicing on the upper field, getting my first uniform, and learning my first cheers. The memories of cheering in junior high and moving up to JV and then cheering at my first varsity game will never escape my mind. The friends I have made have become my best friends and the ones that I know I can always rely on. It is weird to imagine turning in my uniform and participating in my last competition, but I know that it is coming faster than I can really comprehend.

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