Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Aspect of Society

I think that the aspect of society brought to light through this novel is that people are very un-accepting of the idea that someone who once did bad things can change for the better. It is true that some people never change, but Change of Heart tells the rare story of redemption. Sometimes it's hard to believe that people can change, but this novel shows how important it is to give those people a chance. Shay Bourne was a convicted murderer on death row who wanted to donate his heart to a little girl. Most people did not believe that his intentions were in the right place, but by giving him the benefit of the doubt he saved the little girls life. It is possible that by giving someone the chance to prove that they have changed, one might get hurt. But I think it is important for society to learn how to give people that chance, even with the risks attached.

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