Monday, May 16, 2011

Relationship I Did Not Like

In my novel Change of Heart, there was one relationship that really bothered me. The reader found out near the end of the book that the step father who was killed had been molesting his step daughter (who was also killed). For a while, the mother did not know this while the reader did. It bothered me how the mother still thought of that man as a loving father and husband. The whole town thought of him as a hero who was trying to rescue his daughter when she was murdered. But the truth was that Shay Bourne, the murderer, walked in on the step father molesting the little girl. Bourne tried to save the girl but the the step father ended up shooting her in a struggle over his gun. He was buried with the little girl lying next to him because the mother always thought that he was a wonderful father to her. Even when she came to the realization near the end of the novel that he had been molesting her daughter, she was not especially angry. I wish that she would have made sure that the whole town knew what a horrible man he really was. In reality, the convicted murderer was the honest and good man in the whole situation. But the step father was forever loved and glorified by the everyone in the town.

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