Monday, May 16, 2011

What I Have Learned in High School

Don't stress over everything!
Some things are just not worth it.

1. Stressing over bad grades on tests. In the moment, it seems like the end of the world. But remember that Chemistry test you failed sophomore year? Yeah, me neither. It is totally not worth the stress.

2. Stressing over the fact that you have the same dress as someone else at a dance. In ten years you most likely won't even remember what your dress looked like. So instead of being angry about it and trying to convince everyone that you look better in it anyways, just have fun!

3. Stressing over being tardy every once in a while. As a freshman I basically thought that being tardy meant that I wouldn't get into college and I had no future. But after being tardy numerous times this year, I have learned that it's really no big deal.

4. Stressing over a horrible coach. Yes, it's hard to have to respect them and listen to them at all times when they are mean and barely ever at practice anyways. But I have learned not to let them ruin the sport (in my case, cheerleading) for everyone.

5. Stressing over missing school when you are sick. There is a lot of work to make up when you stay home from school because you are sick. But worrying about all that work will only make you feel even sicker. Realize that you will get it done eventually, and just let yourself feel better.

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