Sunday, November 28, 2010

Picky Eaters

This article interested me because I always find myself annoyed with picky eaters. With kids, I can understand when all they want to eat is grilled cheese or something. It's understandable for them to be nervous to try new things, such as eating different foods than they are used to. But whenever I come across someone around my age or older who is a picky eater, I am automatically annoyed with them. Is it really that hard to just try something new? And is it really reasonable for them to make an adult go out of their way to make something else for them just because they're deciding to be picky? After reading this article, it made more sense to me why some people are picky eaters. It's weird to think that there could actually be such thing as a selective eating disorder. What makes me believe that this could actually exist is that the article specifically showed a sixty-three year old man who believes he suffers from this. He doesn't just simply not want to try things, but he finds himself frustrated with the fact that most foods look completely un-appetizing to his taste. It displayed how there are many other people out there who feel the same way as this man. I think that the difference between a picky eater and someone with a selective eating disorder is the desire to want to be eating a variety of foods. With a picky eater, I'm guessing that they are completely fine with their lack of variety. This kind of person usually refuses to eat certain foods, but won't even try them in the first place. Someone with a selective eating disorder wishes that they could branch out of their simplistic diet, but literally all other foods look disgusting and un-edible to them. One thing that did stand out to me in the article was when the sixty-three year old man said that his picky eating lead to the downfall of two of his marriages. That doesn't really sound right to me. If it is true, those must have been some extremely unstable marriages. Overall, I guess I'll now be slower to judge someone when I pick up on the fact that they are a "picky eater."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gosselin Kids Expelled

After reading this article, I kind of questioned how much of it could really be true. I believe that Alexis and Collin Gosselin were actually expelled, because Kate confirmed that fact. But I don't think that they were as rude and horrible as the press has made them out to be. It say that these two children were expelled for fighting with their classmates and making fun of them. Jon Gosselin is blaming the fact that they have been on camera their entire lives. I understand that this might be one of the factors as to why the kids are having behavioral problems, but I think there is a much more realistic reason. Are Jon and Kate forgetting that they went through a very messy and public divorce? Divorce isn't easy on any kids, but especially not easy when they are seeing their dad all over magazine covers with other women. Jon repeatedly said that he had children too young, and he never got to live the life a twenty year old should be able to live. I think that the way he ripped his family apart just to be able to live like a crazy twenty year old was completely immature and selfish. He blames cameras for creating behavioral problems in his children, but he should be blaming himself. Maybe I feel this way just because I've been a Jon and Kate Plus 8 fan since the show began. But regardless of my bias, I am positive that this must have something to do with Alexis and Collin's problems at school.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Child Prostitutes Rescued

As I was searching for an article to read, the first one that showed up on my homepage had something to do with Michelle Obama shaking an Indonesian minister's hand. Apparently this conservative Muslim is not supposed to make any physical contact with women who are not related to him. That's really interesting and all..but does it really deserve to be the main focus of the news? I went back to my homepage, scrolled down, and found what I believe to be a way more important article. Near the same time that Michelle Obama was shaking someone's hand, 69 child prostitutes were rescued. Is it just me, or is the importance of current events in the United States a little backwards? These children ranged in ages from 12-17 and were found in 40 cities across 30 different states. When most people hear about children being kidnapped and forced into child prostitution, they assume that it must be going on in a different country. It is shocking to me that this horrible act could actually be happening all over the United States, right this moment. People working for the organization that rescued these children say that most of the kids were runaways who were simply looking for an adult to help them. I find it extremely sad that the only person they had to turn to was a man promising them hope in selling their bodies. In my opinion, this article should have been the main focus on my homepage. People need to be aware that this is happening rather than reading about an accidental handshake.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Disney World

I love Disney World. So much so that when my mom told me I get to pick where we go for spring break this year, Disney World was the first destination that came to my mind. I went to Disney Land when I was really young, and then Disney World when I was a freshman. To say it's amazing is an understatement. There's just something fabulous about driving along the highway and literally taking the exit "Disney World". I know that I sound like a little kid, but I actually wish I could be there at all times. Work there, live there, get married there (yes, you can do that). So when I saw the title of this article, of course I had to click on it. Most of the tips seem pretty helpful, but some are kind of cheesy. For example, the first tip: Prepare Physically. It's true that you walk around alot, but is it really neccesary to physically prepare yourself for an amusement park? You can sit down and take a break whenever you want, it's not like you're forced to keep a certain pace walking all day long. Obviously it is hard with young children, but isn't that what strollers are for? I think the most important advice the author gives is bringing your own snacks. The food at Disney is crazy expensive, and there's no way anyone can afford to eat out every single meal while they're at the parks. Although, like the article says, Disney World is all around a very expensive trip; I think it's important for everyone to go at least once in their life. Or maybe at least ten times.