Sunday, November 7, 2010

Disney World

I love Disney World. So much so that when my mom told me I get to pick where we go for spring break this year, Disney World was the first destination that came to my mind. I went to Disney Land when I was really young, and then Disney World when I was a freshman. To say it's amazing is an understatement. There's just something fabulous about driving along the highway and literally taking the exit "Disney World". I know that I sound like a little kid, but I actually wish I could be there at all times. Work there, live there, get married there (yes, you can do that). So when I saw the title of this article, of course I had to click on it. Most of the tips seem pretty helpful, but some are kind of cheesy. For example, the first tip: Prepare Physically. It's true that you walk around alot, but is it really neccesary to physically prepare yourself for an amusement park? You can sit down and take a break whenever you want, it's not like you're forced to keep a certain pace walking all day long. Obviously it is hard with young children, but isn't that what strollers are for? I think the most important advice the author gives is bringing your own snacks. The food at Disney is crazy expensive, and there's no way anyone can afford to eat out every single meal while they're at the parks. Although, like the article says, Disney World is all around a very expensive trip; I think it's important for everyone to go at least once in their life. Or maybe at least ten times.

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