Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Child Prostitutes Rescued

As I was searching for an article to read, the first one that showed up on my homepage had something to do with Michelle Obama shaking an Indonesian minister's hand. Apparently this conservative Muslim is not supposed to make any physical contact with women who are not related to him. That's really interesting and all..but does it really deserve to be the main focus of the news? I went back to my homepage, scrolled down, and found what I believe to be a way more important article. Near the same time that Michelle Obama was shaking someone's hand, 69 child prostitutes were rescued. Is it just me, or is the importance of current events in the United States a little backwards? These children ranged in ages from 12-17 and were found in 40 cities across 30 different states. When most people hear about children being kidnapped and forced into child prostitution, they assume that it must be going on in a different country. It is shocking to me that this horrible act could actually be happening all over the United States, right this moment. People working for the organization that rescued these children say that most of the kids were runaways who were simply looking for an adult to help them. I find it extremely sad that the only person they had to turn to was a man promising them hope in selling their bodies. In my opinion, this article should have been the main focus on my homepage. People need to be aware that this is happening rather than reading about an accidental handshake.


1 comment:

  1. Brooke, I agree. The way that news headlines are chosen in the internet society have more to do with who is famous and current than topics that are important indications about what is important in our community and world.
    This is a good post, and I look forward to reading more!
