Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gosselin Kids Expelled

After reading this article, I kind of questioned how much of it could really be true. I believe that Alexis and Collin Gosselin were actually expelled, because Kate confirmed that fact. But I don't think that they were as rude and horrible as the press has made them out to be. It say that these two children were expelled for fighting with their classmates and making fun of them. Jon Gosselin is blaming the fact that they have been on camera their entire lives. I understand that this might be one of the factors as to why the kids are having behavioral problems, but I think there is a much more realistic reason. Are Jon and Kate forgetting that they went through a very messy and public divorce? Divorce isn't easy on any kids, but especially not easy when they are seeing their dad all over magazine covers with other women. Jon repeatedly said that he had children too young, and he never got to live the life a twenty year old should be able to live. I think that the way he ripped his family apart just to be able to live like a crazy twenty year old was completely immature and selfish. He blames cameras for creating behavioral problems in his children, but he should be blaming himself. Maybe I feel this way just because I've been a Jon and Kate Plus 8 fan since the show began. But regardless of my bias, I am positive that this must have something to do with Alexis and Collin's problems at school.

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